Mike Johnson changed his mind about supporting Ukraine. He did it while supporting his own principles, too. But he added something: Facts.
The word is that when Johnson read intelligence reports about the disgusting Russian attempt to conquer an independent country that's adjacent to it, he concluded what anybody else would: that a victorious Russia wouldn't stop at Ukraine. As a famous diplomat, George Kennan, was fond of saying, Russia has always been and will always be an expansionist country, and will be inclined to add to its territory in the name of protection or empire-building: Take your pick.
And Russia has plenty of options. There are plenty of relatively small, relatively defenseless countries nearby: Be it in the Balkans (Hungary, Serbia), the Baltic (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia), or right next door (Poland, Slovakia, Moldova). It hardly matters. It's already extended its sphere of influence over Belarus, from which it can stage various invasions; the Ukrainians already know this.
What Johnson must have learned he can no longer do--at least, without taking direct responsibility for it--is pretending that the present war will be self-contained, that Russia isn't interested in anything beyond it. And the United States, as the crucial linchpin of NATO, would be called into the melee' sooner or later in a very real, very crucial way: To send American troops. And some of them wouldn't be coming home.
Then the tensions would become all too real. Russia is warning of a big-power confrontation, but it has no moral standing to do that other than further propaganda and lies it could conjure (and of course it would). But send the 82nd Airborne to defend Warsaw, say, and you have the ramping up of the possibility of slaughtering millions upon escalation.
That would include anyone presently reading this. That's what stared Mike Johnson in the face. That's what made him stand up to the crazies in his own party, who believed that he had been victimized by the same emotional hijacking that they've been subjected to, from people who have been made afraid of wildly imagined chimeras and wouldn't dare deviate from whatever nonsense they've been told.
Not so. As the titular leader (perhaps not the actual leader; that's been abrogated to a crazy bully presently on trial) of his party, he stepped up and faced the real facts. The real facts, not vague generalities that can no more be disproven as proven, cleverly disguised as wisdom or quasi-brilliant, horribly wayward predictions.
That it's taking enormous courage to do this reflects the cockeyed times in which we live. Johnson may indeed be removed as House Speaker because he's saving Americans from dying in Eastern Europe, and our country from the agony of another, wider war. Being as deeply religious as he says he is, perhaps after huddling with his God, he cannot justify sending young Americans to die in far-off lands. Maybe in a twist of logic, religion has become an ironic reason he made a good decision after a long line of bad ones.
Regardless, the cover has been torn off fundamentalist Christian nationalism, masquerading as righteousness but grandstanding as slavish loyalty to a coquettish fool. Where this goes from here is anyone's guess. But for now, Ukraine will have the hardware (at least) to continue to resist newly re-developing Russian imperialism, eating up Russia's resources and confounding its twisted, arrogant, disgusting leader.
This does not insure Joe Biden's re-election, of course. There are more issues than just this, some that Biden cannot shake off. And Russia will throw new and hopefully more damaging propaganda at him in support of his twisted, criminal opponent. But Biden can also claim that standing strong against the nonsense machine will, in the end, prove justifiable--that facts, when put to the test, cannot be denied.
Neither can it assure that Ukraine can hold off the Russians and gain back ground. The delay fomented by the wicked Republicans has taken its toll. But Ukraine has also hung on with ferocious determination, and this latest investment might just buy enough time for Biden to rally and win--if his major opponent is indeed convicted and people actually do change their votes (as they said they would) if confronted with that ugly truth.
Meanwhile, I hope Caroline Kennedy is watching. Mike Johnson deserves serious consideration for the Profiles in Courage award. No, I don't like his views on other things, either. But when it comes to sticking one's neck out despite all threats to remove his power, he's done what the award requires--to "do the right thing," as he said, "and let the chips fall where they may."
That very inclination has allowed our democracy to move forward and, for the most part, thrive since the Constitution was ratified. Sometimes, it's just hard to do. But that's why people of conscience step up and get with the program. Say what else you want, there's a lot to admire there.
Be well. Be careful. With some luck, I'll see you down the road.
Mister Mark