Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Stephen Miller: The Patron Anti-Saint of This Abomination, a.k.a. The 3 Rs

If there is a patron anti-saint of the abomination that is this president's pompous display of incompetent viciousness, it is Stephen Miller. He personifies all that got 45 where he is and keeps him there.

That the Southern Poverty Law Center has found over 900 e-mails depicting Miller as the white nationalist racist that he is shouldn't be very surprising. What's curious is that it's taken this long to do it.

But stealth is the cornerstone of 45ers. They try to sneak in back doors and plant themselves while the rest of us watch in the typical venues. When the lights come back on, we wonder where they came from.

Get back on You Tube for a minute and watch his various interviews, especially with Jake Tapper of CNN, where he kicks Miller out of the studio. 45ers have a playbook which include:
  • Changing any topic that's uncomfortable
  • Deflecting the conversation elsewhere
  • Talking loudly
  • Rudely interrupting
  • Talking over any objection or contrary viewpoint
  • Disingenuousness squared: Someone inside the White House has tried to characterize attacks against Miller as anti-Semitic. Good luck with that, but see the last bullet below.
  • Flat-out lies
  • Self-righteousness
  • Tough-guy talk and bullying
  • Attacking the very media that's giving them the opportunities to speak
  • Meanness and victimization, however twisted the reasoning behind it
Oh, they would be nice, you know. But these are not nice times. They want you to believe that there is actually niceness inside of them, but they're putting it on hold to, you know, take care of business and make....oh, never mind. If you act a certain way and keep saying you're putting your true self on hold, you're whistling in the dark. This is who you are. This is who you have become.

So these are not pleasant people by their very nature. They glorify their whiteness and push the panic button to warn the rest of us that whites are being outnumbered as we go through our days, as if that's something to be afraid of. Nobody who truly believes that the white race has been and always is superior can have, at their core, goodness in mind.

Again, these are not conservatives. These are the 3 Rs of the plague that presently grips us: radical racist reactionaries. They seek only to pull civilization back from its progress and into a dreamy previous world that, in reality, never existed back then either.

The absolutism of his approach is stunningly anti-American. It assumes that "American" is synonymous with "white." It isn't about being fair. It's about victimization of whites, as if they've had something taken away from them.

Little wonder that we rarely see him. Wherever he goes, he's vilified and attacked. Has it occurred to him that if he were the personification of the feelings of the majority, he'd be cheered and put on front pages of magazines?

Make no mistake: These are exactly the attitudes of those who took over Nazi Germany, utilizing a democratic, parliamentary system to get their noses inside the tent doors, then insidiously worm their ways into positions of power. Try William L. Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich for an education about that. There's a lot to read. It wasn't accomplished overnight.

Conservatives might question the effectiveness of, for instance, affirmative action, concerned that it might be getting out of hand. Radical racist reactionaries condemn it and make it a goal to wipe it out under the guise of "freedom" or "liberty." Freedom only for white people is just the opposite of it.

The amazing thing, perhaps now not so amazing, is that so many people are choosing to follow these charlatans. I suppose it is their gossamer-thin image of strength and toughness. But we have plenty of examples, past and present, about that, too.

The very tolerance that best exemplifies the success of our society is being weaponized to enable these awful people to take and maintain power. Were Stephen Miller the only one, he would have been singled out, isolated and dismissed long ago.

But now he thrives while so many look the other way, wanting to think like he does but having nothing to do with the dirty work. People like Stephen Miller are basically the same way: They couldn't possibly get their hands smudged by getting anywhere near those kinds who are trying to sneak in here. They leave that to others and antiseptically make terrible policy far from its application. It's, well, beneath him as much as the people who are being detained are beneath him.

Tolerance is, for the most part, a good thing about humanity. But pure tolerance is without foundation. At some point, we have to say 'no' to something we simply can't accept. Stephen Miller and his radical racist reactionary ilk should be, must be, where the line must be drawn. Without it, I cringe at where this country might be going.

Those 3 Rs, I can do without. The next presidential campaign must go right at this and address it. It must be beaten back, and over a period of decades, not just with some clever rhetorical phraseology. Should it be allowed to fester, its bursting will get over all of us. Once done, it would be difficult to clean off.

That might sound ugly. Well, isn't it?

Be well. Be careful. I'll see you down the road.

Mister Mark

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