Wednesday, February 12, 2020

2024 and Beyond: Think This Is A One-Off?

As ferocious as this upcoming presidential campaign is destined to be--far worse than we've heard already--it's not too soon to look ahead a bit and think about 2014, regardless of whether 45 wins in November or not.

It's time to consider the coming junta of 45, Junior, to become 46. If you think he's not considering it, and that 45 isn't thinking about trying to grease the skids to provide it, you'd better pull back and think again--and consider a line of succession that, once established with Republican minions politely bobbling their heads--won't be easy to dislodge.

The two-term limit of the Constitution might just be too difficult for 45 to overcome. He's already planted the seeds of making some kind of effort to do so, but giving Junior a boost to succeed him might be the next best bet.

First, there would have to be some kind of pre-succession legitimacy foisted upon us. Junior would have to be appointed to some very noticeable, and very inherently or potentially powerful, government position to give him his chops in that arena.

Head of the National Security Council? Possibly. U.S. Trade Representative or some relatively non-impactful Cabinet position, giving him direct access to inside information and insider meetings? Why not? Or, perhaps, make up a position for him while dropping one staffed by someone who had crossed the caudillo. Just call it a non-Cabinet position, and he's home free.

And he wouldn't need Senate approval, either, like other Cabinet secretaries who have the word -designate next to their titles. 45 says it keeps them more answerable to him directly. Another reason may have occurred to him, too--to give Junior the keys to the car, pending election. Thus is dictatorship by administration.

The daffiness by which Junior might make additional decisions will only expose his critics to further abuse by Dad, who's used to working anyone over anyhow. It isn't as if Junior isn't good at it, either; he's one of 45's best insulter operatives. Either way, making ridiculous pronouncements and rulings would get him plenty ready to take over.

With the family name, why wouldn't he be a shoo-in by the time we get there? You can look at it one of two ways: Either 45 loses re-election, in which case his minions will be licking their chops for revenge; or he wins, in which case we xerox Haiti, Syria or Alabama with family successions.

Recent crowds for 45's speeches have welcomed Junior with chants of "46! 46!" Junior already has a book to his credit, bought in bunches by supports with deep pockets to keep it on the New York Times best-seller list (which must bring him and Dad great joy). So that box has already been checked.

Speading of families, Junior might do worse (though I can't see how) than to take on brother Eric as his running mate. Succession might be practically automatic by then. Think about that: the family in charge until at least 2040, assuming two terms for each.

Or, if Eric's too busy counting the money he's already made off of Dad's name in the White House in direct violation of the Emoluments Clause, Junior might lean toward Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who might easily be governor of Arkansas by then. She's positioning herself and, of course, writing her book. Different family--her daddy was governor during the Oughts--but the same whining, victimizing, twisted, quasi-religious attitudes.

On the other hand, there might be Ivanka to be the first woman president, and husband Jerod Kushner to continue the unabated arrogance for another sixteen years. I just wonder what it'll be like by then, since the country will never be the same demographically again. It'll be more than half non-white. Oh, the humanity! Oh, the family need to call it something else!

That'll take us to 2056. I'm likely to be dead by then. Or an ex-pat. Don't count either of them out.

Word is that 45's campaign will be spending one billion dollars to lather us with a disinformation campaign that will top all others, all-time (which sounds like 45ian hyperbole, but this time it's for real). Lies, lies, and more lies will be following at least every four years for the next five campaigns; if they work, they'll also be pounding away at us in-between, each and every single day.

This is what we have unleashed. This is what we will have to deal with. The battle won't be over by a long shot regardless of November's results. It will re-define the word relentless. Or, perhaps, torture.

Need another reason to win in November? What planet did you say you were from?

Be well. Be careful. I'll see you down the road.

Mister Mark

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