Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Corner Turned?

Is it possible that a corner has been turned in Wisconsin, if not nationally?

Last night's results would indicate that something like that has happened. Not by itself, mind you, but in concert with what's already happened.

In 2018, Democrats made few gains in the state legislature, due to the draconian gerrymandering of the Republicans. But in the aggregate, the numbers were clear: 54% voted Democratic.

Now look at the state Supreme Court race. Daniel Kelly, a Walker appointee, was crushed by Jill Karofsky, a far more centrist candidate, by more than eight points. Again, 54% for the non-conservative.

No one election proves anything. But two, consecutively, foreshadows a trend, some cataclysmic turnabout notwithstanding. Eight points is a lot to make up.

That would seem to indicate that, seven months hence, 45's in trouble in Wisconsin. The worst efforts of the Republicans to suppress the vote, making people go out into a disease-addled atmosphere, simply didn't work.

They'll have to try something else. Scare tactics will have to do, whatever fear Joe Biden might strike into people's hearts. But of course, they can make stuff up. It worked ("swift boat") with John Kerry. It worked ("Benghazi", "e-mails") with Hillary Clinton.

And, of course, they have Hunter Biden, whatever skullduggery they can conjure from his membership on a board of directors, relating to 45's impeachment, which they will use to delegitimize it. You can see the strategy from here. Our "distinguished" Senator, Ron Johnson (slippery little devil), has already been at work on this stuff, and we haven't heard from Rudy Giuliani in a while. Expect those two names to re-emerge quickly.

It had better be good and superbly slimy. States like North Carolina, Florida, and Arizona are now very much in play for the Democrats. This morning, Axios said that Biden leads 45 in polling in those states right now, as well as Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, three states that 45 pulled the rug out from under Clinton in 2016.

The strategy about 'opening up' the country as soon as possible is also transparent. It will give 45 the impetus to go out and do what he loves--smear people while campaigning. He can't justify it otherwise.

Don't think it's about opening up businesses. It isn't. The major part of his campaign money isn't coming from small business. It's coming from big business--which, by the time we are beyond all this, will be dented but not badly damaged.

That's why 45 has to come out and show some nonsense propaganda film about how the media, not he, worked to suppress thoughts of intercepting the coronavirus back in January, then insult any reporter who steps up to challenge him on it. He has to create new factology to justify the fibs he tells. No real journalist can get in the way of that.

But people are wising up. There aren't nearly the numbers of media people at his grinding, daily press conferences now, and they aren't sheepishly cringing in the corners. They're getting tired of his lies. The battle has been waged for the truth, and the truth is hanging in there.

Here's the truth: He's a terrible president who cares not one whit about anyone but himself. He uses common methods to distract people from the actual facts and is running out of strategies, because he's confronted by the one truth he can't do anything about: Science. And he's trying to distract from the simple fact that an earlier start against the virus might have put him in the spot he wants to be in today: To open up the country again May 1. But from the eyes of those who know, that looks to be foolish if not counterproductive. People will start dying in large numbers again--just as the campaign's supposed to be ramping up.

Every day he tries his charade now, the worse he looks to anyone who cares to evaluate. Wisconsin is showing that there are still enough people out there who are doing so. If they and others stay steady, he won't just lose: He'll be buried. But we'll see. Seven months is a long time.

But hope is there. The country might be saved.

Be well. Be careful. With some luck, I'll see you down the road.

Mister Mark

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