Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Dr. Fauci's Time Is Through. He Needs to Leave on His Own.

Sometimes things are hard to face. Knowing your time has passed is probably one of the worst of them.

It has hit that time for Dr. Anthony Fauci. The member of the White House coronavirus task force--or what's left of it--who has, by far, the most credibility, has earned that designation by being as honest as he can with anyone who asks him how things really are.

The news isn't good. It has rarely been. The country is going through another wave of infections, with states like Texas, Florida, Arizona and California now leading the way. Very few have managed to cut down on infections. Far more than half have increased them.

Fauci's trying to tell people that we haven't turned the corner. In fact, we've backed up and are going through the process again. Brazil might be doing that, too, but I don't see any other country doing it. But then, Brazil is being run by a person just as big a fool as 45.

45 knows that as long as Fauci stays on the task force, people will be waiting to hear from him. They'll be relying on Fauci's advice, not 45, which is pointless, directionless, and often harmful. 45 can't stand that. He'll make sure Fauci won't be heard very often.

Note that Fauci hasn't been fired. 45 can't do that right now. It would look too obvious. 45 will wait until Fauci gives up himself, or says the next single thing that he might use as evidence that he's not on the same page--though that wouldn't be a bad place to be. Otherwise, he'll be phased out.

Except Fauci's time has passed at the White House. It would be in his best interest--and, in fact, in ours--for him to step down and make his own pronouncements on his own terms, pushing back against the White House's doublespeak and distinct lack of leadership. Fauci's in a no-win situation. Better to go chin-up and blast 45 from beyond. Then he can say what he wants.

Fauci's credibility won't wane. In fact, it would improve when he ceased to be connected to an entity that will claim to know more than he does, but would want to distract us from the main problem, which is the distinct lack of resources for us to do testing and tracing, now five months after we've known that the virus would be widespread.

This is all about 45, as everything has to be. 45 will want to become the main source of information on the virus, except he'll act as if everything's being handled and the virus will soon be under control.

That's what he's been telling everyone since February. But it's all gone wrong. Saying it's all right does not make it all right. Florida would say that. Texas would say that. Arizona would say that. California would say that. So would at least 35 other states.

Fauci isn't the only person to have to stand up to 45 and tell the truth. The C.D.C. leader, Robert Redfield, had the temerity to say the other day that it wasn't changing its guidelines to re-start the schools in the face of the virus, to relax requirements to meet 45's demands that they re-open. That was obviously the wrong thing for the director to say. The C.D.C. has now been rerouted.

The HHS decision to put the information from hospitals--formerly received by the C.D.C.--into the hands of a federal contractor or the state first, even the National Guard, without evident transparency, gives 45 the option to share or not to share vital information. Of course, good news will be shared and bad news not. It's all about control with him, and the facade that all will eventually be well, since he will now have complete control of the information.

I have not read any connection between the two phenomena. But you'll excuse me if I note it. Everything 45 does and says is transactional or revenge toward someone who defies him. Leopards don't shake off their spots.

This stripping of the C.D.C. conduit won't do any of us much good. Its early mistakes were bad enough. Now we're not even sure why it exists, if hospitals aren't going to use it as a collecting center for information.

Maybe Redfield should resign, too, maybe together with Fauci. But then 45 will have more spots to fill with more toadies. Just another reason to get rid of him in November.

Be well. Be careful. Wear a mask outside. With some luck, I'll see you down the road.

Mister Mark

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