It knew. The raid still happened. The saboteurs, amateur though they were, got inside and trampled the place. It was "blind, stupid luck," said a CNN article, that more people didn't die. Six already have.
The National Guard was not ready for anything more than traffic control. That's it. That's why it just stood around for the most part when it arrived, which was far too late to do much about the insurrection anyhow.
There's something going on here. This wasn't a spur-of-the-moment event, urged on by a craven president bent on some magical turnaround. Uh-uh. This was a genuine plot.
Because nobody could tell Congressional Democrats who was in charge, who could have raised the awareness level of the National Guard. Nobody.
I don't think that's true. I think someone could have done that. But non-decisions are often suffused so that everybody, which is to say nobody, takes the blame.
And sometimes, that's done on purpose. Pearl Harbor comes to mind. It took a Congressional investigation two and a half years to finally place blame where it didn't belong: on the fleet commander, Admiral Kimmel, who was just fielding semi-directives from Washington, floating in the dark until it was too late and the fleet lay in ruins.
Congress needs to trace the chain of command and find out who didn't let someone know. It also needs to see if it can be traced to Rhymes With Chump. Does anybody think it can't?
I think this was coordinated. I think it was planned. I think someone on the inside of the Capitol Police, someone sympathetic, was told to stand down. And I think good journalism needs to get going and find out.
Granted, someone has to squeal. Someone has to have a conscience. Not a lot of that's going on right now. Everybody's still too scared of Rhymes With Chump. They must think he can still make too much happen, even if he's not in Washington anymore.
Why should we be surprised? 45 Republican Senators voted yesterday to dismiss impeachment charges against Rhymes With Chump as unconstitutional. Those 45 included Mitch McConnell, who again has it both ways by saying that RWC did impeachable things, so we need to wait a while for him to get a good lawyer to defend him so we can't do it while he's in office but hey, now that he's not, it's unconstitutional. So once again, the Lucy Republican football placeholder pulls the ball out just before Charlie Brown Democrats approach to kick it.
What's worse, Chuck Schumer getting suckered, or McConnell's ferocious deceptions? I'll leave that to you. The Republican cravenness is now on full display.
But 44 Senators agreed with McConnell. What are they scared of? There's precedent to hold an impeachment trial against a federal officeholder after he's left office. It's not unconstitutional and they know it.
Maybe they're getting nasty phone calls, too. Maybe the National Guard contingent that's supposed to be in DC until mid-March needs to stay there permanently.
And maybe they're afraid of primary challenges. But that can't affect all of them. 24 of them are up for re-election in 2022. That's a lot. So it's not as irrational as it seems. But it sure is expedient, and has nothing to do with advancing the republic.
They're covering for RWC. Why? Do they, in fact, debate the election still? Do they doubt the certifications of 50 secretaries of state? Do they buy the wild, irrational conspiracy theories? Do they reject the dozens of courts that have tried their hardest not only to turn back RWC's claims but embarrass his lawyers who bring such trash before them? "Unconstitutional" is the only off-ramp they can conjure. It's safe, it assumes the high road, and while debatable, it's sufficiently inconclusive.
Somebody knows something, though. It has to be uncovered. Yes, this is the kind of thinking that I'm protesting about--a conspiracy that I can't prove. But if such a Biden election conspiracy was true, journalism would have found it by now; heaven knows, enough people looked into it. They had two months to do so. You can ask a lot of questions, find a lot of documents, in two months. So those issues are dead, lies to the contrary notwithstanding.
This may be different. Somebody has to start asking questions. If nobody responds or there is no response, then okay; at least it's been checked out. But there are too many coincidences to brush this off as carelessness or naïveté'. The timing is too well established.
The rioters may have been cat's-paws, but some of them may have been in on it. They weren't stupid. Some of them were professionals. They were power-hungry, believing that some reward, some prestige, was waiting for them.
I can't believe what happened took place by the seat of the pants. Too many coincidences. Nothing on paper, though--too traceable to RWC. But I think that's where it goes. I hope someone digs in deep.
Be well. Be careful. Wear a mask. One day closer to a vaccine. With some luck, I'll see you down the road.
Mister Mark
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