I've known for a long time that I don't think in the mainstream about everything. But let's take a good look at the possible effects of abortion's probable upcoming curtailment in the United States.
Yes, there will be fewer abortions, but how much fewer won't be recorded because so many will now be done in secret. Prohibition didn't take away the need for a beer or two, right?
The reason we have such knowledge is that, as a medical procedure, records are kept by doctors, hospitals, clinics, credit card companies, and the like. Those will go away, either altogether or in the states in which abortion will, very quickly, be declared illegal. So we won't know anything, except the holy-holies, including the Federalist Society's Leonard Leo, the chair of punitive Catholicism (never mind the priest scandals) and manipulator of Supreme Court rulings on this matter, will declare that their god has, at last, saved America from moral depravity.
But that's where the benefit ends. Because in making it more difficult for people of color to terminate pregnancies, the excessively religiously afflicted have guaranteed that those same people of color will become the majority of people in this country all that much faster. And they don't want that.
It's simple logic: If you don't terminate the pregnancy, the fetus comes to term and becomes part of the polity. In 18 years--not too terribly long--it becomes a voter. If the abortion issue is, as well, racially charged, so will be the expanse of the population in that direction. If you haven't heard already, we're going to be a nation of a majority of minorities in about twenty years anyhow.
Do the math. There will be an explosion, and all kinds of things will start happening, including the resentment of those peoples of color against white folks who have been suppressing their progress and success for about four hundred years now. That I might not be around to witness that won't stop it from happening.
And the anti-abortionists will usher that along. I hesitate to project just how much the country might change in those twenty years--maybe a lot, and not in a good way--but my guess is that white people will begin to reap the whirlwind of the inequities and prejudices that they laid upon others. They won't like it much. The difference is that they won't be able to firewall themselves against the effects: the coin of systemic racism may well flip, and with a deserved vengeance.
I want to stay healthy. If it's at all possible for me to be around to witness this, I want to do so. I want to remember what I wrote in late 2021 that predicted this. It'll be like a tsunami: With the obvious attempts of Republicans to mute the effects of people of color now, it'll seem like the shores have widened and expanded, as if white people could stop worrying. But then it'll cascade and overwhelm them, without any more places to hide.
Too far off for now. Way-way. But right as rain, it'll come.
Be well. Be careful. Get a booster or a Pfizer pill. With some luck, I'll see you down the road.
Mister Mark
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