Thursday, October 3, 2019

Image Matters. America Matters. WE Matter. That's Why He Has To Go.

Imagine, if you can, being the president of Finland yesterday. Imagine having to put up with a joke of an American president ranting about his likely impeachment in front of reporters.

Imagine what a waste of your time--and your country's time--you've just made. And a resolve, if you have half a brain: Uh-uh. I'm not coming back here while this clown is in the White House.

I'm wondering how many other foreign leaders are saying the same thing, if not to others, then to themselves. Why in blue blazes would they bother? I'm wondering how they are shaking their heads about the once mighty, prestigious, all-affecting USA has fallen into this disrepute.

Because it has. Consider:

  • Russia and all that has been compromised because of it, including the 2016 election, for the betrayal of a bromance with a vicious and horribly driven de facto dictator.
  • Ukraine and the betrayal of our positioning and policy there for internal political purposes.
  • NATO and the embarrassment from that fiasco.
  • The horrible relationship we now have with Mexico.
  • The "shithouse" countries (apparently, that's the precise word) to which 45 referred, run by people of color.
  • North Korea and the "very beautiful" relationship with a despotic dictator.
  • The completely unnecessary and ongoing confrontation with Iran.
  • The very damaging tariffs levied against China, which have hurt American farmers despite the blind support of some of them.
  • Congratulating China on 70 years of communist rule, and not saying a single word about the courageous stand that Hong Kong is taking against it.
Altogether, the dismantling of something we could all be proud of: The image of America being the defender of freedom, the great moral leader of the world.

Gone. Destroyed. All because of one person who just stands there and shouts nonsense. Everyone makes fun of us now. If they don't, they should, since we've produced this mockery of governance and statesmanship. What a shameful embarrassment. How far we have fallen.

This isn't just a publicity issue. The Constitution pretty much makes the president the purveyor of our foreign policy, through his treaty-making permission and his appointment of ambassadors and, by implication, the conduct of our policy through our embassies and State Department. 

The rest is history, and quite a history it is: Foreign intervention and involvement that no one could have foreseen upon the creation of the republic, but which has not only been inevitable but absolutely necessary. Our revolution would probably not have been a success without individual help from foreigners from France, Prussia, and Poland; without financial and direct military aid from France; without economic assistance from Spain and the Netherlands. Our international trade, including that of slaves, had been well-established as colonies even before the break with Britain.

First we needed protection, then we felt we were great enough to spread our influence elsewhere. Either way, justifiable or not, relationships with other nations have been at times turbulent, at times genuinely warlike, at times marvelous and helpful--think Peace Corps, which continues to this day; think Marshall Plan, think Alliance for Progress. Yes, it also advanced economic imperialism, and that has left scars. Yes, it caused CIA interference and overreach. But in the end, it established America as a force to be reckoned with.

Make America great again? He has done completely the opposite. The damage he has done to our foreign policy and influence will be far-reaching and decisive for decades to come: wait and see.

It is an abuse of his constitutional powers. That, alone, is a decisive and compelling reason for impeachment, at least. Add to that the compromising plotting of preserving political power in such a desperate and despotic manner by getting foreign leaders in on undermining political opponents for its own sake, setting the country up to be undermined itself with potential if not actual extortion, and the evidence is clear: He has to go, and soon.

This disgusting excuse as a peer of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt? You can't be serious. He certainly isn't. He mocks his system and thinks he's dominating it. He can't be allowed to get away with that. If so, others will follow with similar intent and claim justification based on precedent.

If this were a "shithouse" country, few would be paying attention. But this is America. This is us. This matters. We matter. I don't want to visit somewhere overseas and make excuses for us. I've already done that, in Turkey, right after Bush-43's re-election, where in a gathering of other, foreign teacher union representatives, a Spaniard looked at me with clawed hand and said, "Mark, how could you (meaning the country) have been so stuuupid?"

I did my best to explain, somewhat sheepishly, how it could have happened. In the shadow of 9-11, it was a bit easier. But it still hurt some. 

Now? Now there's no excuse other than to say: We screwed up. This guy's awful. I'm sad to be an American right now.

I have disagreed with policies of other Republican presidents, too. But at least they did their best to preserve the dignity of the office. They never made me feel genuinely humiliated about being an American, anywhere, everywhere.

I don't want to feel that way anymore. Dump him. Be quick about it. 

Be well. Be careful. I'll see you down the road.

Mister Mark

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