Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The High Road? Right.

Take the high road? Really?

That's what Mika and Morning Joe want us to do. They're disappointed about the raucous reception 45 got at the World Series game last night (10/28). Massive booing and shouts of "Lock him up!" got the two of them riled up.

Back to a John McEnroe moment: You cannot be serious.

Want us to treat him like a real president? Then let's wait for him to act like one.

Most recently: When the U.S. nails an ISIS leader and eliminates him, don't droll on about how wonderful you are. Don't describe his last moments of panic and fear, as if you actually know about them. Another set of lies.

Besides, a leader of a great country (or one that used to be great until he took over) doesn't do that. He doesn't need to. He should have, as usual, taken a cue from his predecessor, whose report and description of Osama bin Laden's death was understated, matter-of-fact, and completely free from any braggadocio or jolting or exaggerated (probably) details. I'm guessing that, as Obama himself noted, the families of those killed on 9/11 deserved to hear it and know that their loved ones' deaths had been answered with that of the planner of the attack. It doesn't bring back the ones who died that day, which would be a good reason why he left the bragging out of the report: It just didn't fit.

Trying to bring the country back together again will have nothing, and I do mean nothing, to do with rallying around the monster we have in the White House. Au contraire: It will mean that enough of us have decided to rally around decency, diplomacy, and determination to get ourselves back off the rails and on the right road. But first, righteous anger must be addressed.

To their credit, Mika and Morning Joe have used decent, civilized words to describe a very uncivilized president's commentaries about both them and others. I'm sure they want everyone else to do the same. But they are a slim minority indeed.

How they wish to forget his minions shouting "Lock her up!" about Hillary Clinton's e-mails, which after an incredible waste of time (three years!) and money have finally been determined to be about no big deal whatsoever. How they wish to forget his trashing of people of great dignity such as John McCain and Elijah Cummings, not to mention the Obamas, the quintessence of class, who have every right to lash back out at him and other irrational, non-sensical attacks but don't.

The rest of us can't reach that standard. We are way, way too far down the road to suggest that 45 not hear the same kinds of words he has used toward undeserving others. That ship has sailed long ago; it's as far as Magellan around the Cape of Good Hope by now. Besides, he has it coming. It's all been building for far too long.

What did 45 think was going to happen if he appeared in public? Was he really so full of himself that he believed that everybody would be filled with congratulatory fervor upon al-Baghdadi's demise? Did he really think that we all would believe that he was primarily responsible for it? Did he really think that we wouldn't discover that he'd been playing golf when it all went down?

Probably. So removed from reality is this awful person that he believes he can guide reality itself, not only to the 38 percent who have already caved into it, but a majority of the entire country. The time for that is passing.

And as Jennifer Warner put it in the New York Times, the massive booing was clear evidence that resistance to 45 is real, abiding, and formidable--not just the media that twists or Democrats who don't work hard. On the other hand, D.C. carried more than 90 percent of the popular vote for Clinton in 2016. All the more reason, though, that expecting anything but what he got was a pipe dream at best.

Maybe it was a jolt to Mika and Morning Joe to hear thousands of citizens gathered for another purpose to catch 45 trying to get away with another lie through action--as if he could pose as the Great Leader amidst an American tradition and wear that for a day or two, then lie about how much the crowd loved him. Maybe they thought it would be better for complete silence to register with him.

Yeah, that would work. Not.

It was refreshing, even bracing, to hear their collective disdain for our terrible president. I'm not sure I could put it into the category of inspirational, but it sounded damn good. Promising, in fact.

Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi keeps the impeachment train a-rollin'. The rules for proceedings will hit the House floor Thursday (10/31). 45 will need a whole lot more unexpected victories in a field of any kind to obscure the effects of the wrongs he has done. And we'll see whether members of Congress can hold themselves back as we approach the vital moment. I'm guessing they will exactly reflect the pent-up attitudes they saw at Nationals Park. It won't be pretty. Either.

Modify my feelings toward this name-calling, cruel, evil, nihilistic, empty blowhard? No. Hell, no. Lock him up. Someday I'll be more rational and measured, I promise.

I'll do the best I can, Mika and Joe. But not until we're past all this. And that may take a while. Until then, they will reap the whirlwind like they've never seen it.

Let's start with "human scum." May I interject?

Be well. Be careful. I'll see you down the road.

Mister Mark

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