Wednesday, October 23, 2019

It Will Come Back to Us. Be Very Afraid.

Remember the question posed to 45 after the Planet Hollywood fiasco was revealed, only a month before the 2016 election? Someone during one of the infamous debates, I can't recall whom, wanted him to confirm or deny that he had told Billy Bush that men who are famous could grab women by the "pussy" and, basically, get away with it.

Within a few words, 45 denied it, continuing an all-too-familiar pattern of blatantly denying what he had said on tape. He did so with just a few words--smart move; don't dwell--and then also with a typical ploy, shifted the focus. He shifted it to ISIS. "We've got to get rid of ISIS," he said, then went on a meaningless riff on that topic, as meaningless as it is right now.

No one shouted 'liar.' No one made him repeat the lie. ISIS was his way out of the dilemma. ISIS bailed 45 out of the impossible situation. (Actually, the same media whom he's been blaming for all his troubles allowed him to do so, as it has been doing now for some four years.)

It says here that ISIS will now put him into an impossible situation, one that will guarantee his removal from office, either by election loss or by impeachment. For he has done it to himself. Again.

He has ordered American troops to withdraw from the Syrian border, removing their support of Kurdish forces and giving Turkey carte blanche to invade Syria, establish a buffer zone, and wipe out Kurds pretty much at their leisure. In a futile attempt at face-saving (only for himself, never for the country), he announced after the invasion had begun that Turkey had better not hurt the Kurds or the U.S. would ruin Turkey's economy.

Which is to say: He will stop trying to build hotels in Turkey. So enormous is his ego and so vacuous is his sense of reality that he genuinely believes, or believes he can make someone in Turkey believe, that a withdrawal of his investments in Turkey will ruin it.

For this, he has unleashed ISIS once again. If it's possible for an organization to be more backwards or amoral than 45 is, ISIS is it. Having been penned up and reduced significantly by gradual U.S. support efforts--efforts for which he could take credit--you know very well that the one thing they haven't done yet is the thing they will begin doing once again: undermining the U.S. wherever it can. This time, though, they won't stop in Europe.

Nope. They'll attack the U.S. directly, inside our shores. There will be suicide bombings. There will be suicidal mass murders. There will be attempts at killing significant public officials. And it won't need to happen by invasion, either. It will wreak a chaos that will make 9-11 look like the minor leagues. Think Boston Marathon, several times, coordinated.

They've already been proven to have brainwashed young people here and get them to join up with them there. It'll be far simpler now. With access to automatic weapons rampant, all ISIS will have to do is get some easily influenced American teenagers or twenty-somethings to buy into the gaining of eternal paradise by violent fealty to Allah, and bingo! you have the recipe for disaster after disaster.

What's to stop them from, say, shooting up parking lots with tailgaters before college or pro football games? Okay, some good old boys may have their own weapons inside their own SUVs. Great: A shootout among the Weber grills. Best of luck to the police trying to sort that out.

All because 45 got out of bed one morning, probably not before 8, and decided to decide something to make himself appear decisive, so he released ISIS to do its worst to whomever it chooses. It's all that casual, that mindless, that narrow, that stupid.

Do not use the word policy, either, when discussing any decision-making he's done or might do. Policy would be a word used to describe a carefully measured series of evaluations that have the effect of positioning the nation where it might be best. 45 has no idea of what that means, and worse, he doesn't care. Please do not give him the benefit of actual strategic thinking.

His goal is actually rather simple: Create so much disorder that the country is forced to rely on him alone as its savior. He really thinks he can do it. Remember his claim from the 2016 campaign: I alone can fix. He truly believes it. He's truly ready to try. And there are plenty who would not only let him do it, but stand by him while he does.

It's why he has to go. He has to go. This isn't even dealing with Ukraine, for which he'll most likely be impeached, now that Bill Taylor and Laura Cooper, patriots that they are, have stepped forward to clarify the true situation.

I'm not fond of pretense, so I'm not going to try to assuage you with the usual comment like, I don't mean to scare you. Because I do. I want you to be very scared about this. I believe it's going to happen if we don't move on this right now. Explain it later to those 38% or so who will stand behind him regardless: The nation's at stake now more than ever. There's nothing vague or nebulous about it. This is the real thing. Without it, we can only hope not to be in the path of destruction when it keeps happening, but like other domestically-based shootings, the odds get better by the day.

They won't say it on TV. Not yet, anyhow. But if I'm thinking it, so is someone else: I claim no corner on brilliance. At least twenty years before Columbine, people in my teachers' lounge were discussing the possibility that the wrong kid could walk into the school and start shooting--and nobody could do a thing about it. If we could surmise that back then (late '70s), any logical person could do so now.

I wish only to be logical. I'm just trying to make sense of it all. And it leads here. Michael Beschloss, renowned historian, has been recently quoted as saying that to force the Senate to convict 45 of impeachment charges that are surely coming might take major street demonstrations. I believe he's right. Get ready.

Be well. Be careful. I'll see you down the road.

Mister Mark

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